Sciatica is a term for the pain caused by compression of the sciatic nerve, which is the largest nerve in your body. Sciatica is usually caused by an underlying condition at the spine. Compression of the nerve root results in pain on the sciatic nerve, or radiating pain in the back and/or legs on one side of your body. The sciatic nerve is connected to the spinal cord, which sends signals out to many muscles and other parts of your body. This can result in pain, tingling, numbness, and other problems associated with sciatica.
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A sign of sciatica is pain that radiates to one leg and not the other. Sciatica is often accompanied by pain when bending forward or backward. If the symptoms become severe enough to the point where you find yourself unable to move, you should see a doctor right away.
Are you suffering from spinal stenosis and are looking to get treatment and get back to your life? The team at New Jersey Spine & Orthopedics is ready to help! Please fill out the form at the top on this page to be contacted by a provider within one business day.
We understand the significant negative impact back or neck pain could have on quality of life. At NJ Spine and Ortho, our goal is to get our patients back to enjoying life using minimally invasive techniques that involve the use of tiny incisions and muscle sparing methods to treat the spinal problem. There is a big difference between operating through a 1/2 inch incision and operating through a 5 inch incision. The major differences include: