When to See a Doctor For Hip Pain

Medically Reviewed by NJ Spine & Orthopedic on June 17, 2023
Hip pain and related symptoms can significantly impact your daily life and limit mobility. In most instances, hip pain is caused by injury, overuse, arthritis, or other underlying medical conditions. While a few cases of hip pain can be managed with self-care and rest, there are situations when it is crucial to seek medical attention.
Understanding when to see a doctor for hip pain is essential for receiving proper diagnosis, treatment, and relief. Whether you’re suffering from acute pain due to a recent accident or chronic discomfort in your hip that interferes with your everyday activities, don’t wait until it’s an emergency. Consult a healthcare professional at NJ Spine & Orthopedic as soon as you can.

When Should You See A Doctor for Hip Pain?

Though treating your hip pain with some over-the-counter pain medications can help, if the pain persists, you should see a doctor. Other scenarios that should prompt you to see a doctor for hip pain may include the following:

  • Persistent pain: If you have been experiencing hip pain for an extended period, typically over a few weeks, without any improvement despite self-care measures, it’s advisable to consult a doctor. 
  • Inability to bear weight: If you find it difficult or impossible to put weight on your affected hip or leg, it is crucial to see a doctor. This symptom may be a sign of a fracture, severe strain, or other serious injuries that require medical attention.
  • Limited range of motion: If your hip pain is accompanied by a noticeable limitation in your ability to move your leg or hip joint, don’t hesitate to seek a professional medical evaluation. 
  • Swelling, redness, or warmth: If your hip joint appears swollen, red, or warm to the touch, it could indicate inflammation or infection. These symptoms warrant medical attention, as they may point to underlying conditions.
  • Hip pain accompanied by other symptoms: If your hip pain is accompanied by additional concerning symptoms such as fever, chills, unexplained weight loss, or fatigue, you want to consult a doctor immediately. These associated symptoms could be signs of systemic issues or infection.

Hip pain can also be a symptom of various forms of arthritis. Arthritis causes inflammation and damage to the hip joint, resulting in discomfort, stiffness, and decreased mobility. If you suspect arthritis is the source of your hip discomfort, see a doctor for an appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan.

Are There Any Preventive Measures for Hip Pain?

While some hip pain is not preventable, there are some types of pain that you can help treat by yourself. You can take a few precautions to lower your risk of developing hip pain, such as:

  • Practice proper posture and body mechanics: Maintaining good posture and using appropriate body mechanics when performing daily tasks like bending or lifting heavy objects can help reduce excessive stress on the hips.
  • Take breaks during prolonged sitting or standing: If your job requires long hours of sitting or standing, take frequent breaks to stretch and move around. This helps alleviate stress on the hips and prevents stiffness.
  • Avoid repetitive activities: Repetitive motions or movements that involve high impact on the hips, such as running on hard surfaces or participating in certain sports, can increase the risk of hip injuries and pain. If you engage in such activities, use proper techniques, warm up adequately, and incorporate rest days into your routine.

Pay attention to any discomfort or pain in your hips during activities or exercises. If you experience persistent pain or notice any unusual symptoms, it is crucial to consult a healthcare professional promptly.

Visit NJ Spine & Orthopedic for Personalized Care

You should not ignore hip pain, especially if it is severe, persistent, accompanied by other symptoms, or significantly affects mobility. Seeking medical attention in these cases is crucial for medical professionals to promptly diagnose the underlying cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan. Remember to always prioritize your hip health by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, practicing preventive measures, and promptly addressing concerns.

If you are experiencing hip pain and need expert medical advice, visit NJ Spine & Orthopedic for personalized care and treatment options tailored to your needs. Contact us online or call (866) 553-0612 to schedule a consultation with our specialists.

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