Teenage Girl Incurs Spinal Injury on Mount Hoverla Descent

Spine Injury

In a distressing mountain incident, a teenage girl has been severely injured while descending Mount Hoverla in the Ivano-Frankocsk region. The State Emergency Service of Ukraine has confirmed the accident involving the 14-year-old from the Zhytomyr region.

The incident occurred on June 3 as the girl was part of a 19-person tourist group trekking down the mountain. Due to a spinal injury sustained during the descent, she required immediate rescue assistance to evacuate from the mountainous terrain.

Rescue specialists from Vorokhta rapidly responded to the emergency call. Upon arrival, they administered initial medical care to the young mountaineer. Subsequently, the rescue team evacuated her to the Zaroslyak mountain base. Once there, the girl was promptly transferred to the capable hands of medical professionals for a full assessment and the necessary treatment.

The State Emergency Service has issued a warning, advising against mountain excursions in the area, citing the elevated risk of avalanches in the Carpathians. The safety of tourists and hikers is of paramount concern, and the authorities continue to monitor the situation closely.

While the current condition of the injured girl has not been disclosed, this incident serves as a somber reminder of the potential dangers associated with mountain treks. The efforts of the mountain rescue team highlight the importance of emergency preparedness and prompt response in such potentially life-threatening situations.

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