NJ Spine & Orthopedic is proud to serve the community of Mount Laurel, New Jersey. Our team of spine surgeons, neurologists, and orthopedic specialists is dedicated to achieving the best results for every patient with the least invasive approach possible. Our comprehensive treatment plans range from non-surgical, conservative methods to minimally invasive surgeries. We understand how debilitating back pain can be, which is why we take a patient-centered approach that is customized to meet our patient’s unique needs. If you are suffering from back pain, our medical team at NJSO is here to help you find pain relief.
Most people have experienced back pain at some point in their lives. It’s the leading cause of disability and the most common reason people call out of work and seek out their primary care physician. Back pain can come in many different forms, ranging from mild aches to severe pain. If any of the following applies to your back pain, it’s time to seek medical health.
Most back pain tends to subside over a few days, especially after resting and using pain relief medicine. If pain continues to persist and worsens with time, a spine specialist can help find the cause of the pain and get you the treatment necessary.
Severe pain paired with pain in other areas, such as pain down one or both legs, should be taken seriously.
Back pain accompanied by sensations of tingling, numbness, or weakness may signify a damaged or irritated nerve. Nerve pain is serious and can result in permanent damage or disability if untreated.
Even if an accident or fall seems minor, experiencing any kind of injury may cause back pain. It’s wise to seek a doctor and make sure the pain is not a sign of a more severe injury.
If back pain wakes you up or appears when you are in certain positions that could be a sign of a more serious problem. It might signify a more systematic problem such as infection, fracture, severe nerve compression, or cancer.
If back pain is paired with a loss of control over bowels or urination, then it’s time to seek medical help immediately. These symptoms may point to nerve damage in the lower spine which can develop into permanent damage.
NJ Spine & Orthopedics is dedicated to delivering award-winning medical service to eliminate the pain, discomfort, and dysfunction of numerous conditions in the spine. We offer numerous treatments ranging from non-surgical, conservative, and minimally invasive surgery to help our patients get back to their lives, including those in Mount Laurel Township.
Our team of board-certified spine specialists is dedicated to achieving the best results with the least invasive treatment possible. If you are experiencing back pain, we are here to help. Call (866) 272-9271 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.
Phone: 855.586.2615
Current Clients: 855.706.1011
NJ Spine and Orthopedic is dedicated to delivering minimally invasive laser spine surgeries to eliminate the pain, discomfort, and dysfunction of numerous conditions of the neck and back.
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