NJ Spine & Orthopedic is proud to offer top medical care for back and spine pain to the community of North Brunswick, New Jersey. Our facilities provide patients with the best-in-class medical treatment and award-winning neurologists, neurosurgeons, orthopedic specialists, and physicians. No matter your condition, our medical staff has the resources and experience to assess your situation carefully and determine the least invasive approach that will reduce your pain and encourage a faster recovery time. Our medical staff is here to help relieve your back pain and help you regain your quality of life.
Back pain can appear suddenly or gradually and go from mild to severe. Understanding the three different kinds of back pain can help you determine when to seek medical attention.
Acute pain (short-term pain) tends to resolve itself within a few days or weeks. The muscles heal, or the swelling goes down on its own. Pain should not last more than six weeks.
Subacute pain may last from four to twelve weeks. At-home remedies and over-the-counter pain medications help relieve this type of pain. However, if lifestyle changes, exercise, rest, and pain medication don’t help, it may be time to make an appointment with your primary care physician.
Chronic pain can be divided into two categories: chronic pain with an identifiable source of pain and chronic pain with no identifiable source of pain. Chronic pain may occur as a result of injury or a spinal condition. When suffering chronic pain, it’s important to seek medical attention because it may indicate a serious back condition.
A healthy spine has three natural curves that create an S-shape form. These curves absorb shocks the body takes and protect the spine from injury. The spine is composed of many different components, including:
When one or more components of the spine or back are damaged, strained, broken, or torn, the consequence can be severe pain. That pain can make it nearly impossible to continue with the life someone cherishes. The many components of the back and the various external and internal factors that contribute to back pain can make it challenging to determine the exact cause of pain. However, there are some common causes of back pain to keep in mind.
The best way to get an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment is to consult with a spine specialist who has the experience and resources to help.
While most back pain tends to resolve itself with time and rest, severe chronic pain should be treated immediately to avoid further damage or permanent disability. At NJ Spine & Orthopedics we have the experienced staff and latest technology and research to help get our patients on the road to recovery. Our doctors will evaluate your condition and recommend the best treatment option possible. Our North Brunswick spine surgeons will provide you with personalized care, whether you face a serious condition or minor injury. Call (866) 272-9271 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.
Phone: 855.586.2615
Current Clients: 855.706.1011
NJ Spine and Orthopedic is dedicated to delivering minimally invasive laser spine surgeries to eliminate the pain, discomfort, and dysfunction of numerous conditions of the neck and back.
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