Experiencing chronic pain in the back, spine, or neck can severely disrupt your life. For those interested in medical assistance and treatment options, consider visiting specialists at NJ Spine and Orthopedic. Our office near Union Township, New Jersey, offers patients the finest medical care by award-winning neurologists, neurosurgeons, orthopedic specialists, and physicians.
When you come into our office, our staff will have a one-on-one discussion about care options best suited for your needs. Determining your condition and its severity can help our doctors tailor a treatment plan. While our surgeons always assess conservative healing options, they might suggest surgical care for the best result. No matter your condition, at NJ Spine and Orthopedic, you’ll have high-quality care.
If you’re encountering substantial pain in the neck, back, or spine area, you may be at risk of severe injuries. Moving around and putting stress on certain parts of the body can cause the tissue around your spine to inflame. Many individuals experience these hindering irritations, but how do we know when to see a medical professional? Consider the following list of signs that might indicate a doctor’s visit is necessary:
If you cannot pinpoint what exactly might be causing your pain, fill out our free online pain assessment form. Already know what’s causing your discomfort? Take our treatment finder to explore more information about the types of care we provide for clients.
Our medical staff utilizes innovative technology and advanced equipment with a patient-centered approach. We tailor treatment plans specific to the needs of each individual and have many different types of procedures available. Our main goal is to reduce patients’ pain and improve their condition.
The following are some common, minimally invasive surgeries:
Our treatments will offer you the best possible outcomes from non-surgical methods to minimally invasive surgeries performed through small incisions. Check out our Treatments page for more information on the different types of procedures we perform.
According to the Health Policy Institute of Georgetown University, around 16 million American adults report persistent back pain. You might think that this pain is normal, but persistent untreated irritation can turn small pinches into permanent disabilities. There are many causes of back pain in the United States; consider some of the causes below:
When you encounter persistent pain or other signs of back, neck, and spine injuries, it’s crucial to see your medical professional. Don’t let your pain grow into an unavoidable injury.
Having to struggle with daily activities because of chronic back and spinal pain is frustrating. At NJ Spine and Orthopedic, we empathize with your condition and are passionate about providing the best possible care. Through tailored treatment plans and innovative procedures, our skilled team of experienced medical experts will assist you every step of the way. We take a patient-centered approach to assess the needs of our clients fully.
Call (866) 272-9271 or fill out our online contact form for more information about our treatments and other questions.
Phone: 855.586.2615
Current Clients: 855.706.1011
NJ Spine and Orthopedic is dedicated to delivering minimally invasive laser spine surgeries to eliminate the pain, discomfort, and dysfunction of numerous conditions of the neck and back.
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