Lumbar Disk Prolapse: Getting a Second Opinion

Medically Reviewed by NJ Spine & Orthopedic on October 26, 2023
Back pain, especially lower back pain, is a problem most people experience during their lifetime. Though it’s more prevalent in older adults, it can affect a person of any age. Regrettably, one of the leading causes of lower back pain is a prolapsed disk. If your doctor says a prolapsed lumbar disc is the cause of your back pain, you might be left wondering what your options are. Some medical professionals may suggest different treatment options. However, to avoid confusion and guarantee that you’re getting the best treatment, it’s extremely important to seek a second opinion from an experienced surgeon.
You can greatly benefit from getting a second opinion about your lumbar disc prolapse from award-winning spine surgeons and specialists at NJ Spine & Orthopedic. Our team is here to help you every step of the way to reduce pain and get you back to living your best life.

Understanding Lumbar Disk Prolapse

A prolapsed disc, also called a slipped disc or herniated disc, can lead to intense pain around the affected area. This pain is usually because the slipped disc is pressing on or causing inflammation of the nearby nerve roots.

Typically, disc herniation happens when the soft inner disc of the vertebrae, called the nucleus pulposus, protrudes through the more muscular outer ring of fibrous tissue, often due to weakness. When this disk prolapse happens in the disc around your lower back, it’s called lumbar disk prolapse.

If the herniated disc obstructs or compresses the nerve roots exiting the spinal cord, it can lead to lower back pain. The severity may differ from one person to another, but in severe cases, you may encounter symptoms such as:

  • Pain radiating to one or both your legs
  • Pain in the buttocks
  • Weakness in one or both legs
  • Numbness, tingling, or/and pins and needles in the extremities

In rare cases, lumbar disc prolapse may lead to a more severe lower back pain condition known as cauda equina syndrome. If you have an unexplained lower back that won’t go away after a few days, you should visit your healthcare provider for consultations.

When to Get a Second Opinion

The spine is a very sensitive and important part of our body. Therefore, before opting for any treatments for your lumbar disc prolapse, it’s critical to get detailed medical advice from a skilled and experienced spine specialist. A second opinion can come in handy in various cases, including:

When Your Doctor Immediately Suggests Surgery

Most people with lumbar disc herniation experience improved symptoms without having to undergo surgery. An expert surgeon may recommend a series of non-surgical options to treat your condition, including:

  • Change of posture
  • Physiotherapy
  • Rest
  • Pain or muscle relaxant medications
  • Injections
  • Acupuncture

Most people obtain a reasonable degree of relief from these conservative interventions, especially those with minor to moderate symptoms.

If Healthcare Providers Aren’t Agreeing on Treatment

Experienced spine surgeons and specialists have encountered several cases of lumbar disc prolapse and often know if this is the best course of action. However, healthcare providers may sometimes not agree on the best course of treatment, which can lead to confusion on your end as well. If your healthcare team isn’t sure on a treatment option, finding a second opinion can help put your mind at ease and ensure that you’re getting the best care.  

Get a Second Opinion Experienced From Our Experienced Spine Surgeons

Before opting for any treatment, it’s important that you feel comfortable and certain about your diagnosis and proposed treatment. If, for one reason or another, your diagnosis is undefined or multiple treatments are available for your case, consider getting a second opinion from an expert in the field.

At NJ Spine & Orthopedic, we continue to get an increasing number of clients seeking second opinions about their spine conditions, most of whom are referred to us by other doctors. Our spine specialists are known nationally and internationally for our experience, success, and professionalism. When you come to us for a second opinion, we will be communicative about your condition and what treatment you may need. To book an appointment for your second opinion consultation, message us online or call us at (866) 553-0612.

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