In a groundbreaking advancement within the Gold Coast Health and Knowledge Precinct, Griffith University’s BioSpine team has earned a prestigious position in the LuminaX health tech accelerator program. Led by Dr. Claudio Pizzolato and coordinated by Kyle Mulholland, the team, which includes co-investigator Dr. Dinesh Palipana OAM and a 30-member multidisciplinary research team from GCORE, is set to participate in a 14-week intensive program designed to fast-track commercialization in the health tech sector.
LuminaX, now in its fourth year, is a competitive, application-based accelerator that sources high-potential start-ups from across Australia. It specializes in nurturing early-stage entrepreneurial ventures that leverage AI and technology in healthcare, medtech, and wellness industries.
The novel BioSpine system is a state-of-the-art digitally-enabled rehabilitation framework aimed at transforming the treatment of spinal cord injuries (SCI). This innovative system integrates non-invasive technologies, including assistive exercise devices, electrical stimulation, a brain-computer interface powered by artificial intelligence, and virtual reality, to produce an immersive rehabilitation experience controlled through a cutting-edge digital twin.
This powerful confluence of technologies is orchestrated to exploit neuroplasticity, with the ultimate goal of stimulating the remaining active neurons in paralyzed individuals to restore sensory and motor functions.
Source: The National Tribune