In Mayo, a devastating car accident has dramatically altered the life of 54-year-old Cliff Liverpool, a father of two. Liverpool, who dedicated over two decades to public service as a Psychiatric Nurse Manager with the HSE, now faces a daily battle with paralysis following a spinal cord injury. His condition, described as extremely rare, has only been identified 16 times at Dublin’s Mater Hospital over a span of 40 years and is unprecedented at his local hospital.
Cliff Liverpool’s ordeal has subjected him to two extensive surgeries and numerous minor medical interventions. As a result of the accident, he has spent the last five months at the National Rehabilitation Centre, striving to reclaim some semblance of independence, a stark contrast to the fulfilling career and active family life he once enjoyed. His condition necessitates significant lifestyle adjustments and specialized treatment.
The Liverpool family, confronted with their loved one’s daunting reality, has set up a fundraising campaign with a goal of raising €200,000. These funds are crucial for equipping Cliff with necessary mobility aids, modifying their home to accommodate his needs, and covering the costs of ongoing medical care—all vital components of his day-to-day wellbeing and rehabilitation efforts.