Interlaminar Spacer
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Interlaminar spacers are spinal implants, which facilitate a minimally invasive surgical option to treat certain types of spinal stenosis. For the right patients, our implant surgeons can relieve pain and symptoms from nerve compression caused by stenosis. The surgically implanted spacer is inserted between spinal segments to provide necessary space for nerves to function optimally without pain.
Placement of interlaminar spacer(s) is a minimally invasive alternative to more invasive laminectomy or laminectomy plus fusion surgery. When preforming a laminectomy, the orthopedic surgeon removes a portion of the lamina (the back part of the vertebra covering your spinal canal), thickened ligaments and any bone spurs in the spine. This allows the nerves to decompress.
During this alternative and minimally invasive approach, the surgeon places one or more titanium interlaminar spacers between the spinal bones and/or tissues. The spacer “props up” the bony structures, holding them in a flexed position, as if you were bending forward or sitting. The change in position takes place only in the region of the stenosis, limiting extension of the spine and maintaining a neutral or slightly flexed position.
Scientists and surgeons are always working to develop and refine spinal implants to improve success rates and outcomes for patients. Recently, there have been huge advancements with the introduction of rod, hook and screw systems that allow surgeons to correct spinal disorders using three dimensions. The advent of special plates and the introduction of small implants for children has allowed for a significant breakthrough in this field:
When performing interlaminar spacer implant surgery, we choose spinal implants very carefully to ensure they are best suited to the needs of each patient. For instance, we choose small implants for slim patients so they aren’t visible through the skin. We also like to use low-profile implants for all patients because they cause less irritation and reduce post-operative pain.
If you suffer from any of the symptoms above, find out if an interlaminar spacer is the right treatment for you by trying our Treatment Finder tool below. And if you’re ready to talk with a spine specialist to help you decide whether our Interlaminar Spacer Implantation is the right option for lasting pain relief, call us today at (855) 586-2615.
Discover which treatment options are right for you with our Treatment Finder.
Our doctors at NJSO use a minimally invasive technique to insert the interlaminar space without the need for painful, open back surgery. This technique allows our patients to go home the very same day. Same-day surgery means no hospital stay, which means less chance for infections, reduced overall costs and fewer problems overall.
For the right patient candidates, interlaminar spacers offer all the advantages that come with more invasive surgery, with benefits including:
Our doctors are highly skilled at minimally invasive treatment methods to eliminate back pain once and for all. Patients receive a quick, outpatient experience without having to undergo multiple surgeries, resulting in a reduced recovery period.
Schedule your free MRI evaluation today with one of our experienced spine surgeon today, who will personally walk you through your situation assessment over the phone.
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Are you frustrated with the partial or temporary pain relief that you’ve gotten from side effect laden medications or nerve block injections? An interlaminar spacer may be the right treatment for you.
This treatment is not advisable for every stenosis patient, however. Our doctors at NJSO work with each patient to evaluate your specific condition to create a tailored treatment plan that’s right for you.
Patients diagnosed with central and foraminal spinal stenosis may benefit from placement of interlaminar spacers using a minimally invasive surgical approach. In some cases, a more invasive surgical treatment may be needed. Osteoarthritis and the aging process can lead to bone and soft tissue thickening with crowding and irritation of nerve tissue in the affected area of the spine.
A condition that causes back, arm or leg pain and/or “pins and needles” sensations, called neurogenic claudication, may decrease when the patient sits or bends the spine. This can temporarily provide the compressed nerves with more space and consequently relieves pressure. Affected individuals sometimes begin to walk in a bent-over manner. After proper treatment, like interlaminar spacer placement, patients may regain the ability to stand straighter and walk pain-free once again.
The skilled staff at NJSO have a high success rate for these surgeries. Part of our success comes from years of experience, proper diagnosis, and carefully matching patients with the proper type of surgical procedure or treatment for their individual case.
Learn about the wide variety of additional options, including minimally invasive surgery, that can help you regain pain-free function.
Wondering if you’re a candidate for this surgery? Try our Candidacy Verification tool, or fill out our contact form, and get started on your path toward pain relief today.
Determine your eligibility with our Candidacy Verification.
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NJ Spine and Orthopedic is dedicated to delivering minimally invasive laser spine surgeries to eliminate the pain, discomfort, and dysfunction of numerous conditions of the neck and back.
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