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Several treatment options have been introduced to deal with some of the most common spine conditions. They vary based on the condition you have and the treatment method you choose. The medical field has evolved to give patients a lot of choices. Below are some of the treatments and surgeries for common spine conditions.

(XLIF) Extreme Lateral Interbody Fusion


360° Anterior and Posterior Lumbar Fusion

Also known as anterior/posterior lumbar fusion, this procedure is one of the more common approaches for fusing the lumbar to prevent abnormal motion in a section of the spine that is causing chronic pain. Typically, this procedure will require incisions in the posterior lower back region and an incision in the anterior abdominal area. By utilizing a 360° method, muscle trauma is minimalized compared to other fusion methods, although it is usually more invasive and carries greater risks



Anterior Cervical Discectomy & Fusion (ACDF) is a surgical procedure in which your doctor removes a damaged or herniated disc. After the disc is extracted, your doctor inserts a bone graft into the space which was once occupied by the removed disc. Over time, the bone graft matures, leaving you with a fused section of bone instead of two vertebrae. This gives extra stability to your neck and successfully eliminates pain.


Acupuncture for Back Pain

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical practice that has become a popular and effective means for treating back pain. Administered by a trained acupuncturist, acupuncture has become a go-to treatment for managing back pain. If you are struggling with back pain that has not resolved with other treatments or medications, acupuncture may be a good option.


Ankle Arthroscopy

An ankle arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that is used to diagnose and/or treat minor ankle issues. During the procedure, your surgeon makes a small incision in the ankle (called a portal), through which tiny instruments are used to explore, clean out, and adjust the ankle. This procedure is used to treat a variety of ankle problems, including synovitis, loose bodies, ankle instability, ankle sprains and fractures, and more.


Anterior Cervical Corpectomy and Fusion (ACCF)

When a cervical disease encompasses more than just the disc space, a spine surgeon may recommend the removal of the vertebral body and the disc spaces at either end to decompress the cervical canal completely. This procedure is called an anterior cervical corpectomy and fusion and is often done for multi-level cervical stenosis with spinal cord compression caused by bone spur growth.


Anterior Cervical Discectomy

Anterior Cervical Discectomy (ACD) is a procedure in which your surgeon excises a degenerated or ruptured disc. During the procedure, your doctor will replace the disc with an artificial model and use surgical hardware (such as rods, screws, and plates) to hold the new structure in position. Unlike ACDF, fusion of adjacent vertebrae is not necessary to reinforce the area. Ultimately, this affords the patient with more mobility in his or her neck.


Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion

During an anterior lumbar interbody fusion, the spine is approached from the front of the body. A three-inch incision is made on the left side of the abdomen and the abdominal muscles. Anterior lumbar fusion procedures are performed as an open surgery to provide clear visualization of the discs space and vasculature. The procedure removes part or all of a damaged disc between two adjacent vertebrae in the lumbar spine. Those vertebrae are fused using bone graft or bone graft substitute. These procedures can be done in conjunction with another ...


Anti-Inflammatory Injections


Artificial Disc Replacement

For patients who suffer from spinal discs that have become worn down or damaged, an artificial disk replacement may be the best option to alleviate the chronic pain. This is the process of removing the cushioning between vertebrae and inserting an artificial replacement. Doctors may recommend this procedure because of ongoing back pain and loss of mobility that their patients cannot adequately recover from using a traditional treatment method.


Axial Fusion

Axial fusion is a spine disease treatment used to correct lumbar disc problems. This method aims to repair the discs that lie between the first sacral vertebra and the last lumbar vertebra. A small incision is made next to the tailbone to access the required area. The damaged discs are then removed and replaced with bone graft material. This method is useful, as the recovery time is very quick and it successfully eliminates pain, tingling and numbness.



Barricaid is a procedure used after a discectomy and is designed to close the incision hole while preserving as much native disc as possible. Patients who have a higher risk of returning leg and back pain, as well as another disc herniation, are encouraged to seek the assistance of barricaid. Proven to reduce reoperation rates, barricaid is a barrier that plugs the hole from the inside the annulus and consists of a titanium bone anchor.


Botox for Migraines

If you experience migraines for more than 15 days every month, Botox may be a viable procedure for treating your pain. While using Botox injections for migraines can be accompanied by neck stiffness and muscle weakness, it can be extremely effective at reducing the amount of migraines individuals experience and the severity of pain. Using Botox for migraine treatment is a relatively new approach.



A Bursectomy is a minimally invasive procedure in which your orthopedic doctor removes an inflamed, infected, or irritated bursa, a liquid-filled sac that supplies our joints with the synovial fluid that enables our bones to glide past one another. During the procedure, your surgeon will use an arthroscope to visualize the tissues of the target joint and small instruments to remove the bursa. This approach allows for less scarring and quicker recovery times than more invasive methods.


Cancer Pain Treatment Options

While a cancer diagnosis can already be incredibly physically and emotionally challenging, many patients also experience severe pain that can disrupt their quality of life during this difficult time. Fortunately, there are several conservative and minimally invasive treatments available for cancer pain that can significantly improve your symptoms. An experienced spine and orthopedic specialist can help you control your pain as you focus on your health and recovery. 


Cervical Artificial Disc Replacement

Cervical disc replacement is a MINIMALLY INVASIVE spinal surgery that is done to replace damaged discs while maintaining the natural mobility and function of the spine. This procedure removes the problematic disc in the spinal column and replaces it with an artificial disc device that imitates the function of the disc. The fact that it’s designed for people who specifically suffer from disc problems makes it a very effective method of spinal condition treatment.


Cervical Disc Replacement Surgery

The human body’s natural cervical intervertebral disc is an extraordinary mechanical structure that can absorb large compressive loads while still providing an impressive range of motion between the neck’s bones.


Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection

A recent recommendation for lumbar fusion spine surgery may have you wondering how long you will be in the hospital, if your recovery will take a long time, and how much scar care you will need. The good news is that your doctor may recommend a surgical method known as minimally invasive spinal surgery (MISS) that can minimize all three of those experiences, depending on your condition.


Cervical Facet Injection

A cervical facet injection is a procedure used to specifically diagnose a patient’s pain as well as provide immediate and long-term pain relief so they can comfortably participate in a physical therapy program. The procedure involves injecting a numbing agent—usually a steroid-based medication—into the facet joints to block pain. The degree of immediate relief experienced by the patient will help determine whether the facet joint is itself the source of pain or if there is a further underlying condition that must be addressed.


Cervical Spine Surgeries

Cervical spine surgeries are essential medical procedures aimed at addressing various neck-related issues that can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. For those suffering from severe neck pain, numbness, or weakness, these surgeries can offer substantial relief and restore function.


Chiropractic Care For Back Pain

Chiropractic care involves non-surgical treatments of conditions related to the nervous and musculoskeletal system. Using spinal manipulation techniques and other manual treatments, chiropractors treat conditions such as lower back pain, radiculopathy, herniated discs, and neck pain—to name a few. In general, receiving treatments from a chiropractor is a great first approach to treating back pain



Coccygectomy is an important MINIMALLY INVASIVE procedure for treating any conditions arising from the coccyx. The treatment is very simple and involves the removal of the coccyx. You will be able to save yourself from an enormous amount of pain, as you do not really need this body part. Coccygectomy is a very efficient method of putting an end to chronic pain around that area. Pain that is felt when walking, sitting or emptying the bowels will be eliminated for good.


Cortisone Injections for Back Pain

Epidural steroid injections are used to treat many forms of back pain. These injections involve inserting a local anesthetic and steroid medication—usually cortisone—into the epidural space that surrounds the nerve roots and spinal cord. Also referred to as cortisone injections, this treatment method is one of the primary non-surgical approaches for relieving lower back pain and sciatica.


Degenerative Disc Disease Surgery

Between our spinal bones are tough, rubbery discs that act as shock absorbers and spacers for the spine. These discs allow the nerve roots and nerves to pass through holes and spaces in the spinal column as well as enable the spinal bones to move—which provide the neck and back to bend, twist, and flex as we move about our day.


Diagnostic Medial Branch Block

A recent recommendation for lumbar fusion spine surgery may have you wondering how long you will be in the hospital, if your recovery will take a long time, and how much scar care you will need. The good news is that your doctor may recommend a surgical method known as minimally invasive spinal surgery (MISS) that can minimize all three of those experiences, depending on your condition.


Elbow Arthroscopy

An elbow arthroscopy is a form of minimally invasive elbow surgery that is used to correct a variety of elbow problems, from tennis elbow to osteochondritis dissecans. During an elbow arthroscopy, an orthopedic surgeon uses an arthroscope and tiny instruments to remove bone fragments (a process called debridement), to repair articular cartilage or tendons, or to relieve pressure on pinched nerves.


Endoscopic Discectomy

Endoscopic discectomy is a MINIMALLY INVASIVE spinal surgery used to remove damaged discs that are causing back or neck pain. It’s a very useful method if you are looking for a safe and efficient approach. A laser beam is used to create a small opening, which is then utilized to remove small parts of any bulging tissues. This will provide the patient with comfort and relief, as the cause of chronic pain will be eradicated instantly.


Endoscopic Foraminotomy

This is a MINIMALLY INVASIVE spinal repair surgery used to enlarge nerve root openings by eradicating the effects of foraminal narrowing. With this method, the small openings in each vertebra are widened to prevent them from being blocked. No impingement will be caused to nerves and blood flow any longer. Both pain and numbness will be eradicated and your range of motion will return to normal, allowing you to engage in your daily activities with no problems at all.


Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy

A lumbar discectomy is a surgical procedure performed to remove herniated disc material from the lower back (lumbar) that is pressing on a nerve or the spinal cord. When this procedure is performed with the use of an endoscope, it is called a lumbar endoscopic discectomy. This is considered a MINIMALLY INVASIVE procedure because only a small incision is necessary.


Epidural Steroid Injections

Epidural steroid injections provide a non-surgical treatment option to patients suffering chronic lower lumbar back pain. While the relief provided is only temporary, lasting up to a year in some patients, these injections benefit patients in many ways that can lead to longer-term care solutions to treat their ongoing back pain. This effect has been most noticeable in helping patients continue to begin a physical rehabilitation program.


Extremity Tendon Repair

An extremity tendon repair is a series of procedures that aim to mend bands of fibrous connective tissue known as tendons. Tendons attach the muscles in your body to bones, thus enabling movement. An extremity tendon repair, therefore, endeavors to restore function to your limbs—whether the damage in question is to your patellar, Achilles, biceps, quadriceps, or rotator cuff tendons. As you have probably guessed, this means that each procedure by NJ Spine & Ortho is tailored to fit the injury in question.


Facet Fusion

This method is a go-to option when other conservative methods are not suitable. Fusion of the vertebrae in the affected area will take place to halt all movements in the joints and eliminate pain altogether.


Facet Thermal Ablation

Facet thermal ablation is a spinal procedure recommended for treating advanced arthritic degeneration. If you have exhausted all of your non-surgical treatment options, facet thermal ablation may be an alternative to spinal fusion surgery or other invasive procedures. This treatment can be done with minimally invasive techniques to minimize your recovery time and help you find the pain relief you need to regain the life you once enjoyed before your discomfort.


Foraminotomy Spine Surgery

To relieve pressure on a spinal nerve, your doctor may recommend undergoing a foraminotomy. This spinal surgery addresses the narrowing of the neuroforamina, the small exit ways nerves pass through. Often, pain and discomfort begin as our spines age or when we suffer an injury affecting these areas in our vertebrae. As these tiny passages narrow, further pressure occurs on the spinal nerves, but this procedure can relieve it by removing excess material in the neuroforamina.


Ganglion Impar Block Injections

A ganglion impar block injection is a type of sympathetic block used to treat various types of pain. Orthopedic specialists will often recommend individuals suffering from visceral, pelvic, genital, perineal, and anal pain ganglion impar block injections for pain relief.


Hip Arthroscopy

A hip arthroscopy is a form of minimally invasive hip surgery, in which your surgeon uses an arthroscope (or flexible camera) to diagnose and repair various problems related to hip dysfunction. Most commonly, a hip arthroscopy is used to address the following hip problems: femoroacetabular impingement syndrome, torn labral cartilage in the hip, development dysplasia of the hip, trochanteric bursitis, and snapping hip syndrome.


Impar Ablation Procedure for Coccyx Pain


Interlaminar Spacer

This spinal damage treatment incorporates the use of minimally invasive techniques to place interlaminar spacers midline between two adjacent laminae. It is the best type of therapy for patients who suffer from foraminal spinal stenosis. You will be able to get instant relief from back, arm and leg pain, along with the infamous sensation that is usually described as “pins and needles.”


Intralaminar Endoscopic Discectomy

An Intralaminar endoscopic discectomy is a procedure performed by inserting a small tube through an incision in the back. This small tube allows the surgeon to insert an endoscope and use tools—through the endoscope—to remove exposed disc material or to relieve nerve compression. An intralaminar endoscopic discectomy is commonly used to solve herniated discs that are not able to be treated with conservative methods.


Knee Arthroscopy

A Knee Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that is used to both diagnose and resolve knee pain. During the procedure, your doctor will use a flexible camera (known as an arthroscope) to visualize the tissues of your knee. From there, any pertinent corrections can be made. This treatment may be appropriate for you if you have a torn ACL, PCL, or meniscus; a misaligned or fractured kneecap; or a Baker’s Cyst.



With one or more vertebral compression fractures, you can potentially experience back pain and abnormal hunching forward (kyphosis). Symptoms are typically manageable without surgery. However, minimally invasive surgery (kyphoplasty) is recommended when non-surgical treatments fail to relieve pain. The vertebral body is the strong, thick, cylindrical front of the vertebral bone that plays a vital role in handling heavy loads placed on the spine. When a vertebral body is weakened, it is less capable of handling heavy loads and more susceptible to vertebral compression fractures. Kyphoplasty aims to help restore ...



A laminectomy is a surgical procedure that your doctor may recommend to relieve pressure on your spinal cord by removing the lamina. The laminae make up part of the vertebral arches that protect your spine. By removing this component, your doctor can also remove any bone spurs that might be adding to the issue.



Laminoforaminotomy is one of the newest MINIMALLY INVASIVE surgical techniques for the treatment of spinal stenosis. In this surgery, a minuscule hole the size of a nickel or dime is created in the affected area. A long narrow tube is then used to perform laminectomy and amniotomy. The incisions made are very small and the aim is to go around the muscles and tissues instead of cutting through them. This results in less pain and less blood loss which makes this method very useful. It will treat pain, cramping and ...


Laser Spine Surgery

Laser spine surgery is a type of MINIMALLLY INVASIVE surgical procedure at NJ Spine and Ortho that uses light beams to incise small portions of the skin with great accuracy, causing you less trauma and pain, since no significant cuts are made. This method is mostly used to deal with herniated and bulging discs and is useful in treating pain and numbness.


Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion

Lateral lumbar interbody fusion is a type of minimally invasive surgery. A minimally invasive surgery is beneficial to patients in many ways and is designed to avoid disturbing the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other tissues that are typically affected by traditional open back surgery methods.


Lumbar Decompression

Spinal decompression can alleviate the pain when the lumbar spine vertebrae are misaligned, injured, or have a pinched nerve. A small portion of the vertebrae bone is removed to relieve the compression of the nerve. This gives the nerve more space and provides more room to avoid compression. Typically, a lumbar decompression includes one of three different lumbar procedures known as microdiscectomy, laminectomy, and spinal fusion. Depending on the condition causing pain and spinal abnormalities, an expert orthopedic surgeon can recommend the best surgical solution.


Lumbar Facet Injection

Facet joint injections are minimally-invasive outpatient procedures that can be performed in just a couple hours. The procedure itself usually takes less than 15 minutes.


Lumbar Micro Endoscopic Discectomy

A micro endoscopic discectomy is a procedure for removing disc material in the lumbar. Before getting approved for this surgery, your doctor will inquire about any medications you are taking. If you are taking any blood thinners and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, you will have to stop taking them for two weeks before the surgery date.


Lumbar Micro-Decompression

A Lumbar micro-decompression, commonly referred to as a microdiscectomy, is a procedure used to help treat leg pain caused by a lumbar herniated disc. While the procedure involves treating the herniated disc, the surgery is most reliable at treating leg pain caused by sciatica


Lumbar Spinal Fusion Surgery

One of the most widely used types of spinal surgeries is lumbar spinal fusion. This procedure involves surgically fusing two or more vertebrae together. This treatment is typically performed on patients who suffer from lumbar fractures, degenerative disc disease (DDS), or spinal instability. This surgery often includes additional procedures to help relieve pressure on nerves and other areas of the spine.


M6-C Artificial Cervical Disc

A recent innovation in disc replacement, the M6-C™, has received FDA approval and now offers a more natural approach to artificial disc replacement. This advancement in medical technology is quickly giving patients a needed alternative to spinal fusion surgeries. Not only is the preservation of motion accomplished, but replication of the spine’s natural movement is possible.


Micro Endoscopic Discectomy

A micro endoscopic discectomy is a minimally invasive procedure in which an endoscope is used to help the doctor remove the herniated disc. Using a guidewire and fluoroscopic X-ray machine, the surgeon will insert a tube that allows an endoscope and other tools to access your spine.



Microdiscectomy is also a MINIMALLY INVASIVE spinal surgery that focuses on removing compression and pressure from the nerves. This is done by making a small incision in the skin near the affected area. Once the necessary incisions are made, a small camera is used to view the affected parts, which helps the surgeon access and remove the damaged material. It will treat pain and numbness around the affected area.


Minimally Invasive Lumbar Fusion Surgery

A recent recommendation for lumbar fusion spine surgery may have you wondering how long you will be in the hospital, if your recovery will take a long time, and how much scar care you will need. The good news is that your doctor may recommend a surgical method known as minimally invasive spinal surgery (MISS) that can minimize all three of those experiences, depending on your condition.


Motion Preservation Spine Surgery

Many individuals considering spine surgery to relieve their back pain may wonder if their procedure will leave them with a loss of mobility. Fortunately, there are treatment options available that can protect the spine’s flexibility.


Non-Surgical Treatments for Pain


Oblique Lumbar Interbody Fusion (OLIF)


Orthopedic Surgery

Orthopedic surgeries are used to treat both spinal tissue injury and bone deformity. The spinal condition treatment eliminates pain and restores complete freedom of movement thanks to the advanced technologies utilized by surgeons. It is effective in treating chronic pain in several areas.


Percutaneous Carpal Tunnel Release

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common wrist condition that affects three to six percent of all adults. When the median nerve is pinched by the surrounding structures, individuals may experience pain, tingling, and numbness in the hand and wrist. I


Percutaneous Discectomy

A Percutaneous Discectomy (PD) is used to treat severe cases of a ruptured or herniated disc, in which herniated disc material is causing compression to the surrounding spinal nerves. During a PD, your surgeon will use a needle to deliver heat waves into the damaged disc. These heat waves serve to destroy any disruptive tissue that may be causing nerve impingement and pinched nerve pain.


Posterior Cervical Fusion

Posterior cervical fusion is a surgical procedure performed to stabilize the cervical spine and relieve pain in the upper region of the back. The cervical spine starts at the base of the skull, connects to the upper back at shoulder level, and is composed of seven vertebrae. The cervical spine performs several crucial functions, including protecting the spinal cord, supporting the head and its movements, and facilitating blood flow to the brain.


Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion

As with all spinal fusion surgeries, a posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) is performed by adding a bone graft to an affected area of the spine in order to trigger a biological response that causes bone growth in between affected vertebrae. However, unlike some other spinal fusion surgeries, PLIF achieves spinal fusion in the low back by inserting the graft material directly into the disc space. In a PLIF procedure, the surgeon will approach the spine through an incision made in the back.


Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion Surgery

There are different approaches a surgeon can take to perform spine fusion surgery, dependent on the location of a disease or deformity. In a posterolateral gutter spine fusion procedure, a surgeon approaches the spine from the back (posterior) and the side (lateral), making an incision over the affected area of the spine and placing a bone graft. All spinal fusions use bone grafting, which increases bone production and aids the fusing of the vertebrae into a single long bone.


Posterolateral Gutter Spine Fusion Surgery

The spine is a crucial part of the musculoskeletal system in every person’s body. The structural health of your spine contributes to daily life functions such as standing, walking, sitting, and other essential movements. Different types of spinal deformities and ailments cause a disruption in mobility and spine function for many people each day.


Radiofrequency Ablation

Radiofrequency ablation uses pulses of heat to “stun” damaged nerves so that they are no longer able to transmit signals of pain to the brain. Although this is the primary use of radiofrequency ablation, it can also be used to destroy cancerous tumors that attack the spine. A minimally invasive procedure, this outpatient operation promotes a quicker recovery than more traditional surgical procedures.


Radiofrequency Neurotomy

A radiofrequency neurotomy is a non-surgical procedure that is used to help relieve chronic back pain or pain that has lasted for more than three months and has not improved with medication or physical therapy. The procedure is minimally invasive and involves using heat to destroy the nerve responsible for the pain. Because the procedure is minimally invasive, patients are usually able to go home the same day of the procedure.


Regenerative Medicine

There are many regenerative treatments for back pain that can help relieve your pain without requiring major surgery. Regenerative treatments can help to reduce reliance on pain medications while restoring your muscles, nerves, and joints.


Resection of Synovial Cyst

A synovial cyst on the lumbar spine is a fluid-filled sac that develops as a result of the degeneration of the spine. These cysts typically occur in individuals over the age of 65. A synovial cyst is benign, meaning that they are non-cancerous. The fluid-filled sac creates pressure on the nerves that exit the spine and can cause pain.


Revision Spinal Surgery

A revision spinal surgery occurs when a patient has already undergone some form of spine surgery. Typically, there is a three-month period of lingering pain after the initial surgery. However, when a patient reports persistent, recurrent, or new chronic pain, revision spine surgery may be recommended to help relieve the pain.


Rhizotomy Surgery

Back pain is so common that most people suffer from it at some point in their lives. However, if the pain persists for twelve weeks or more, it’s no longer acute pain that can easily go away on its own. Persistent pain is considered chronic pain, which is often an indicator of something more serious. Additionally, back pain can limit your physical abilities for weeks, months, and even years which can take a substantial toll on your mental health as much as it does your physical health. 


Sacroiliac Joint Fusion

This method is used to treat the notorious sacroiliac pain, which causes stiffness and affects an individual’s ability to run and climb. Invasive fusion technology is used to minimize pain as a sacroiliac implant is positioned in the right place.


Sacroiliac Joint Injections

Many factors can contribute to inflammation in the sacroiliac joint, but the pain and diminished mobility can hinder our daily lives. Sacroiliac injections (SI) offer relief of this discomfort by injecting a combination of steroids and anesthetics into the troubled joint. These injections serve two primary purposes for those suffering from undiagnosed sacroiliac joint pain: diagnosis and pain control.


Scoliosis Correction

Scoliosis is a spinal condition that occurs when people have severe curves in their spines—usually 45 degrees or higher. One of the best treatments for scoliosis correction is spinal fusion, which is a surgery that realigns the spine by fusing together the curved vertebrae so that they heal into a single bone. Spinal fusion is an extremely effective procedure at improving spinal curves from scoliosis. 


Shoulder Arthroscopy

A shoulder arthroscopy is a class of minimally invasive procedures that uses tiny instruments and an arthroscope to diagnose or repair a variety of shoulder problems. An arthroscope allows your surgeon to visualize the structures of the shoulder in real time. Doctors use shoulder arthroscopies to treat a wide range of shoulder conditions, from torn ligaments and ripped tendons to shoulder bursitis or osteoarthritis.


Spinal Cord Stimulation

Spinal Cord Stimulation involves using a small, implanted device to disrupt signals that would otherwise convey the sensation of pain from the body to the brain. The pulse generator emits either high- or low-frequency bursts of electrical current to the target site. Doing so interferes with competing signals from neurotransmitters that detect and transmit information about pain from the peripheral nervous system or spine to the brain.


Stellate Ganglion Block

Stellate Ganglion Glock is an injection used to block the sympathetic nerves located on either side of the voice box in the neck. The procedure can be used for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes and can be effective in reducing pain and swelling while increasing mobility. Often, Stellate Ganglion Blocks are used to treat pain caused by nerve injury shingles, or angina.


Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapy is a type of regenerative medicine that uses stem cells to heal the body. With stem cell therapy, medical professionals can harness and magnify the body’s healing potential to repair the damage and possibly even avoid surgical intervention for the suffering caused by the aging process or an injury. 


Steroid Injections for Joint Pain

If you suffer from chronic joint or back pain and are finding it difficult to make it through your normal daily routine, steroid injections may be a minimally invasive option that can improve your condition. These man-made drugs are very similar to our natural cortisol hormones but are different than what some athletes have used.


Surgical Treatments


Thoracic Epidural Steroid Injections

If you are experiencing chronic pain and discomfort in the upper or middle areas of your back, known as the thoracic region, a thoracic epidural steroid injection may provide temporary relief. This non-surgical treatment option, while short-term, may last long enough to allow an injury to this part of your spine to heal or make it possible for your doctor to isolate the source of your discomfort.


Thoracic Facet Injection

During a thoracic facet injection, you will receive direct injections into your joints that contain a steroid or cortisone-based medication. Your doctor will use X-ray technology to locate your thoracic joints and then inject the needle directly into your joint where the pain is likely originating from. Sedation is not used during thoracic facet injections.



TLIF stands for Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion. TLIF is a form of spine fusion surgery which involves fusing the lumbar disc space through an incision from the back. The procedure involves the removal of a damaged disc, either partially or entirely, from between the two vertebrae in the spine. Once the disc has been removed, the vertebrae are fused together. The treatment is done through minimally invasive spinal repair approaches.


Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulations (TENS) is a treatment that provides pain relief through low voltage electrical currents. By placing electrodes near affected nerves and trigger points, a TENS device delivers electrical impulses to affected areas. In some cases, these electrical currents can be effective at relieving chronic pain caused by conditions like osteoarthritis, lower back pain, and tendonitis.


Trigger and Pressure Point Injections

When an individual suffers inflammation and swelling in a localized muscle region or around a joint, a trigger point injection may be an option their doctor recommends to alleviate the discomfort. Chronic muscular orders like fibromyalgia or chronic headaches are prime candidates for this type of treatment, which aims to reduce symptomatic pain.


Vertebral Augmentation

Vertebral augmentation is a category of surgical procedures used to stabilize a fractured vertebra to reduce the patient’s pain. These procedures are called vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty, or radiofrequency vertebral augmentation. Those who undergo a type of vertebral augmentation have usually suffered a fracture in a spinal vertebra.



Vertebroplasty is a procedure typically used to treat individuals with a fractured vertebra. During the procedure, a special cement is injected into the affected vertebra with the intention of relieving pain, enhancing mobility, and stabilizing the fracture. Vertebroplasty is considered a minimally invasive procedure because it is performed through a small puncture rather than a large incision.


X-Stop Spinal Procedure

The X-STOP device, which stands for interspinous Process Decompression System, is designed to alleviate the symptoms associated with lumbar spinal stenosis. This device is inserted by a skilled surgeon from NJ Spine and Ortho into the spine to prevent a person from bending too far backward at the point of the spine where the narrowing is occurring.



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